
|2024-01-26 12:21:58|浏览:95

1. 宁静 (níng jìng) - peaceful, tranquil
2. 宁可 (níng kě) - would rather, prefer to
3. 宁愿 (níng yuàn) - would rather, prefer to
4. 宁肯 (níng kěn) - would rather, prefer to
5. 宁肯 (níng gǔn) - would rather, prefer to
6. 安宁 (ān níng) - peaceful, calm
7. 宁馨 (níng xīn) - an alternate spelling for a given name
8. 宁缺毋滥 (níng quē wú làn) - rather go without than take the wrong thing
9. 宁死不屈 (níng sǐ bù qū) - would rather die than surrender
10. 宁波 (níng bō) - a city in Zhejiang province, China

01-26 12:21优质作者
