音乐let it all go歌词  阿丽莎一炮而红

2015/10/25 13:08:55作者:L-chengs…来源:伊秀娱乐网

15岁的时候,阿丽莎参加了加拿大YTV举办的音乐选秀比赛——《未来之星》(The Next Star)节目,在第一季的最后晋级六强,一炮而红。该节目旨在将全加拿大15岁以下最有才华的少年歌手召集起来,打造成为未来之星。可惜的是,阿丽莎没能获得冠军。不过该季最终六强选手中只有她一人签约正式公司并发行了多张专辑和单曲,获得成功。
比赛之后,阿丽莎认识了音乐人Jamie Appleby。他同时还是Wax唱片公司的创始人,当他在网络上听到阿莉莎的歌声和创作后,决定将她招入麾下。由于阿丽莎的出色表现,以及专业团队的打造,她成为了一颗冉冉升起的加拿大新星。
Jamie和阿丽莎的团队从2010年开始筹备专辑。专辑的大部分歌曲都是阿丽莎和Jamie写成的。她还和Jesse Labelle、Billy Steinberg、Dave Thomson、Jeff Dalziel、Steve Fernandez、Kim Carnes、Marv Green等多位顶尖音乐人合作,共同录制自己的首张专辑。
在阿丽莎发行专辑之前,她先行发布了一张单曲《如果你》(If You Are),将当时制作的三首歌曲发行。但是并未获得很大反响。
《孤独再临》(Alone Again)成为新专辑的首支主打歌。该曲翻唱改编了红心合唱团(Heart)上世纪八十年代的名曲《孤独》(Alone),但是更具有现代气息。该曲作为阿丽莎的正式出道曲和第一张专辑首支主打歌,发行于2010年11月。该曲在加拿大榜的最高位置达到11名,在榜时间长达39周。在英国榜最高达到亚军,在比利时榜最高达到25名。[5]  CRIA数据显示,单曲《孤独再临》在全球卖出超过100万张,在加拿大认证为双白金唱片。《孤独再临》还获得了一项2011年加拿大MuchMusic录影带大奖的提名。随后她前往英国演出,并接受BBC等多家电台的采访。
2011年2月,美国公告牌发布了加拿大新人榜,阿丽莎排在榜首。接下来阿丽莎稳坐宝座长达33周,打破了该榜的新纪录。随后新专辑同名主打歌《游戏》(The Game)问世,在加拿大榜最高位置达到35名。

6月21日,阿丽莎的首张个人专辑《游戏》由Wax唱片公司发行。这张专辑录制于2010年。除了《孤独再临》中邀请了饶舌歌手P. Reign合唱,还邀请了饶舌歌手Dice B助阵法语版《孤独再临》 。这张专辑在加拿大专辑榜排名最高第25。尽管该专辑的CD形式在2011年就已经发行,但是它在美国地区的苹果音乐商店的发行却一直拖延到2013年5月。专辑全球发行后反响一般,在加拿大本土轰动较大。歌迷非常喜欢这些歌曲,包括《亲身讲述》(Live to Tell)、《放手》(Letting Go)和《黑暗面》(The Dark Side)等。但有乐评认为,这张本属于流行与节奏布鲁斯风格的唱片有很多首歌太过电子化,有舞曲曲风取代流行曲风之嫌。而且也有乐迷尖锐地指出,两支主打歌之间有相似之处,主歌的歌词完全一样,仅仅是改动了旋律,但编曲形式相似导致曲风不够多样化。总体上说,这张专辑在加拿大仍旧是独立唱片的一个成功。
2012年4月,阿丽莎作为朱诺奖的表演嘉宾演唱了新专辑的歌曲,此外还获得了最佳新人的提名,但可惜的是她没有得奖。随后她再次来到英国 ,开始进行首次全英个人巡回演出,这扩大了她的知名度,《孤独再临》这首歌也好评连连,迅速风靡英伦三岛。
自2008年开始活跃于乐坛以来,已发行两张专辑:《游戏》(The Game)和《定时炸弹》(Time Bomb)。目前主要在英国和其他欧洲国家发展。

阿丽莎·里德(Alyssa Reid),本名阿丽莎·阿什莉·里德,生于1993年3月15日,是加拿大流行歌手、词曲创作者、音乐人。


歌名:《Let It All Go》
歌手: Alyssa Reid
所属专辑:《Time Bomb》
I don't wanna have to be the one to say goodbye
After all this time
You told me you need a little space so
I said that's fine
You had me floating to the sky
I was light as a feather
But it's easier for you to fall
apart than stay together
It was good but it's gone
when you were here it was better
Oh oh oh oh
Give it all up, let it all go
Oh oh oh oh oh
Give me your love, let it unfold
Oh oh oh oh oh
You had me floating to the sky
I was light as a feather
Can we have another try or I promise you will
Give it all up, let it all go
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
I don't wanna have to go a day without you here
Even after all this time
You told me you never wanna let me go
And you said you're mine
You had me floating to the sky
I was light as a feather
But it's easier for you to fall
apart than stay together
It was good but it's gone
when you were here it was better
Oh oh oh oh
Give it all up, let it all go
Oh oh oh oh oh
Give me your love, let it unfold
Oh oh oh oh oh
You had me floating to the sky
I was light as a feather
Can we have another try or I promise you will
Give it all up, let it all go
Oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh
Give me your love, I could never
No oh oh oh oh
You don't need to rush it, we will take it slow
Yea, when we can
Give it all up, let it all go
Oh oh oh oh oh
Give me your love, let it unfold
Oh oh oh oh oh
You had me floating to the sky
I was light as a feather
Can we have another try or I promise you will
Give it all up, let it all go
Oh oh oh...
歌曲名:Let It All Go
歌手:The Deadly Snakes
Sung By "Paul McCartney"
When I find myself in times of trouble
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
And in my hour of darkness
She is standing right in front of me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be,
Let it be, Let it be
Let it be
Whisper words of wisdom, let it be.
And when the broken hearted people
Living in the world agree,
There will be an answer, let it be.
For though they may be parted there is
Still a chance that they will see
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, Let it be
There will be an answer, let it be.
And when the night is cloudy,
There is still a light that shines on me,
Shine on until tomorrow, let it be.
I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.
Let it be, let it be.
Let it be, Let it be
There will be an answer, let it be.
Let it be








